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Location: Main > Optical Crystals Ceramics > Laser Crystals Ceramics SHG THG Crystals > CCY-R-0100-010-0.01-U
Name: DIA10.0xT1.0mm Nd YAG Ceramic Disc(Nd1%atm)
P/N: CCY-R-0100-010-0.01-U
Keywords:Dia10.0xT1.0mm,Ceramic Nd:YAG,1%atm,Un-coated
Unit Price: S$450.00/pc
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PHOTONIK and Baikowski now offer ceramic Nd:YAG through their technical collaboration with Konoshima Chemical Industry of Japan. Ceramic YAG from Konoshima was perfected over the last 15 years and now provides unique advantages over single crystals used by the laser industry.
Advantages of Ceramic YAG
• Fracture toughness: 5 times greater than single crystals
• Hardness: 1.5 times greater than single crystals
• Available size:
- Rods: up to Diameter 10 mm x Length 230 mm
- Slabs: up to Thickness 10 mm x Width 60 mm x Length 230 mm
- Plates: up to Thickness 20 mm x Sides 100 mm
• Up to 4% Nd doping with no gradient
• Unique composite designs
• Low cost in mass production

 Material:  Nd:YAG ceramic,Nd-doping 1.0%atm
 Shape & Dimensions:  Laser gain medium;
 Outer diameter 10.0,-0.1/+0.0mm
 Thickness 1.0,+/-0.1mm
 Surface Quality: Plano-plano,DSP 10-5 S/D,<lambda/10 @ 633nm on-jig polished
 Parallelism: <1 arc minute 
 Clear Aperture:  >95%
 Chamfer:  0.13 +/-0.08mm x 45-deg
 Coating:  Uncoated on both surfaces